Zeiss LSM-510 Meta confocal microscope system (Axiovert 200M stand)

This system has 405nm, 488nm, 514nm, 543nm and 633nm laser lines. The filter sets are useful for imaging DAPI, GFP, RFP, and far red fluorophores (eg, cy5 or alexa-647). There are two fluorescence channels and a Meta detector. The microscope also has an AxioCam HRc (color CCD) camera. Available objectives include: 10x and 20x air; 40x and 63x water-immersion; and 25x, 40x, 63x, and 100x oil-immersion.


  1. Confocal- or camera-based tiled imaging of slides


  1. Microscope is fully motorized
  2. Zen software


  1. No spectral channels
  2. No transmitted light channel