Olympus FV1000 (FVA)

This system has 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 633nm laser lines.

The filters are suitable for imaging DAPI, Alexa 488, Alexa 568, and Alexa 647. There are two spectral channels, one filter channel and a transmitted-light channel.

The system is mostly used to image slides and has the multiple area time lapse (MATL) software module to allow automatic acquisition of tiled image stacks.

The BX61WI microscope stand has a fixed-height stage. The system has a set of oil immersion objectives and a 10x air objective.


  1. Imaging of DAPI, GFP and mCherry in fixed tissue
  2. Automatic (unattended) acquisition of tiled confocal image stacks


  1. High detection sensitivity


  1. No 440nm or 514nm laser line (for imaging of CFP and YFP)
  2. No DIC optics