Although MR research is safe for most participants, there are certain subjects that MRI may pose unnecessary risk. Most contraindications that would rule out a subject involve metallic implants and foreign bodies. However, there are several other concerns of which investigators should be aware.
Screening and Consent Forms:
In addition to pre-screening participants thoroughly before scheduling them for an MRI, everyone must fill out and sign all appropriate consent and screening forms prior to entering the magnet room. In the rare case with a person accompanying the patient in the magnet room, the visitor must fill out and sign a screening form prior to entering the room.
If a participant answers YES to any screening question involving metal injuries, implants, or major surgeries, or if there is any question about the participant’s MR eligibility, they MUST be cleared with Larry White.
If an investigator is not able to reach Larry for clearance, the participant CANNOT BE SCANNED