Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) activates the brain via electromagnetic induction. It is suitable for modulating activity in the cerebral cortex. TMS is a powerful research tool because it allows determining causal relations between brain areas and their functional roles. TMS can be applied with millisecond temporal precision and with a spatial accuracy of ~7-20 mm depending on the coil type. TMS can be recorded simultaneously with EEG/EMG, and functional MRI.
Our TMS device is sited in a room immediately adjacent to the MRI scanner, which allows subjects to be scanned, TMS applied, and rescanned in rapid succession.
The system includes:
- MagPro X100 with MagOption Magnetic Stimulator
- Cool-B65 A/P (active/placebo for double-blinded studies) dynamic cooled butterfly coil, which is optimized for high repetition rates and long pulse trains
- C-B60 Butterfly Coil
- Coil cooler
- MEP (Motor Evoked Potentials) Monitor, 1 channel EMG amplifier for determination of Motor Threshold
A Brainsight2 Neuronavigation System is used to position the TMS coil to target specific brain areas.