This system has 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 633nm laser lines. The system also has a multiphoton laser (MaTai BB). The filters are appropriate for imaging DAPI and Alexa dyes such as Alexa 488/568/647. The system has three filter channels. There are two external channels for multiphoton imaging.
The system has the MATL software module to allow acquisition of tiled image stacks.
Available objectives include: 10x air; and 20x, 40x, 60x, and 100x oil-immersion. There are also two low-magnification high-NA dipping cone objectives (20x 0.95NA and 25x 1.05NA).
- Tiled imaging of slides
- Multiphoton imaging in live mice
- Ample clearance for live imaging using the long working-distance dipping cone objectives
- Changing wavelength of multiphoton laser requires manual realignment of external light path
- No DIC optics