Nikon live-cell microscopy system (TE2000-e stand)

This microscope is set up for time-lapse multi-channel imaging of cell cultures. It is fully motorized and has a Tucsen Dhyana 95 sCMOS camera, a Lumencor Sola Light Engine (solid-state white light source), and filter cubes for CFP, GFP, YFP, mCherry, and NADH. Available objectives include: 10x, 20x, and 40x phase-contrast, 60x water-immersion, 40x and 60x oil-immersion, and 100x TIRF. Micro-Manager is used for image acquisition.

The system is equipped with an Air-Therm heater that circulates and warms the air in the environmental chamber.


  1. Long term time lapse imaging of cell cultures
  2. TIRF imaging
  3. Combined fluorescence and transmitted-light imaging


  1. Nikon Perfect Focus 1.0 (autofocus)
  2. Incubation chamber with controlled temperature
  3. Motorized stage allows time lapse imaging of multiple areas


  1. No optical sectioning except TIRF