Scheduling Basics
There are two avenues for requesting time on the scanner:
1) Recurring Blocks
Principal Investigators will have the opportunity to request recurring time blocks on the schedule. PIs will receive an email announcement calling for fixed block requests. This will occur approximately every 3 months for the following 3-month time period. Additional information for requesting recurring blocks is below.
2) Open Slots
Principal Investigators or green-badge members of their labs may request open slots on the MRI schedule. To request an open slot, login to the CBSN Calendar and click on an available time slot on the MRI calendar to begin the reservation process.
If you are unable to complete these steps for any reason, please contact Caroline West ( for assistance. You may email Larry White ( to sign up for time until your issues are resolved. Note: The PI must be cc’d on any email requesting MRI scan slots.
Requesting Recurring Time Blocks
Guidelines for Requesting Recurring Blocks
Requests for recurring blocks must be made by the Principal Investigator.
When requesting scan blocks please indicate the following:
- Number and length of blocks: [e.g., One 4-hour block and a separate 2-hour block]
- Four preferred times in order of preference
- Up to four excluded times (I will assume no one wants weekends unless you specifically request them)
- Describe any special circumstances that are pertinent to your request (e.g., “I am scanning elderly subjects so I cannot scan after 5PM”, “I would like my two 4-hour blocks to be on sequential days”). I will try to accommodate these special circumstances as much as possible.
Recurring Block Policy
These requests are for recurring weekly time slots that you fully own. That is, unless the scanner or equipment is broken, you are committing to pay for your slots. If your slot falls on a holiday you will have the option of claiming that slot or releasing it. This must be done within one week after the schedule is posted. You, of course, will not be charged for that holiday slot if you choose to release it. Any other changes, swaps, subject cancellations, etc are fully at the discretion of the investigator and his/her responsibility. The only situation that would result in not being billed is if the scanner malfunctions.
Making a Reservation
Basic instructions for reserving CBSN resources are below. More detailed instructions for using the CBSN Calendar can be found in the CBSN User Guide.
Finding open times
Note: you may initially see a blank calendar. Please be patient; it may take 20-30 seconds for the events to load.
- To view only the current MRI schedule, select CBS MRI under the Select resources to view drop-down menu.
- The calendar is best viewed as a weekly schedule, which you can change on the top right drop-down button (day/week/month).
Making a reservation on the CBSN Siemens 3.0T Prisma Scanner
- Open the reservation panel by clicking the Show reservation panel slider button on the top right of the calendar.
- Under Select Resource, choose CBS MRI if it’s not already selected.
- Note that an Expense code or PO is REQUIRED for users to make MRI reservations. If your expense code or PO is not yet available in the system contact with your reservation request.
- Select the Start Date Date and Time as well as either the Length of the reservation OR the End Date and Time.
- You MUST indicate the names of the green badge users that will be present for a scan. The Attendants drop-down menu lists the green badge and yellow badge users that are registered in the system. Select the appropriate names. The Attendants field on your reservation should be an accurate record of all lab members present at the scan. Please update this list at the time of the scan with any staffing changes.
- Note in the Comments field anything that would be useful for CBSN staff to know. e.g., for a testing session, note the equipment you will be testing, etc.
- Click Reserve to submit your reservation.
Making a reservation on other CBSN Resources
Follow the instructions for reserving MRI slots but substitute the appropriate calendar (Mock Scanner, Testing Room, etc). Reservations for these rooms do not need to be approved. Please be considerate of other users when making your reservations.
Cancellation Policy and Instructions
Cancellation Policy
No-charge cancellations and changes to reservations on the MRI scanner are permitted only in the following circumstances:
- Reservations may be deleted or changed within 24 hours of making the reservation. The researcher who made the reservation can make this change themselves on the CBSN calendar by clicking on ‘Delete Reservation’ in the dialog box. Reservations deleted within the 24-hour time window will be removed from the calendar and will not be charged.
- Snow day cancellations – if you or your volunteer cannot get to the center safely you can request a no charge cancellation. Email to request this change.
- Moving a slot to a different time on the same day or moving a slot to an earlier day will be allowed if the schedule can accommodate and if sufficient notice is given to make the change. Email to request this change.
If you are unable to use your MRI slot for any reason other than those listed above, you can provisionally “cancel” your slot on the CBSN calendar and advertise it ‘For Sale’ so that another group can claim the slot. Canceling a slot in this way does not delete the reservation. If another group picks up the time, the canceled reservation will not be charged. If no one picks up the time, the unused time will be charged at the usual rate.
Provisional Cancellation Instructions
Please follow the instructions below in the order that they appear to provisionally “cancel” a reservation:
- The researcher who made the reservation should first edit the reservation in the CBSN calendar indicating that the slot is ‘For Sale’ in the Comments field. Then click ‘Reserve’ to save the change.
- After editing the Comments, the researcher who made the reservation can “cancel” by clicking ‘Cancel Reservation’ in the dialog box. This will gray out the reservation enabling it to be claimed by another group. As stated above, this does not delete the reservation. If another group picks up the time, the canceled reservation will not be charged. If no one picks up the time, the slot will be charged at the usual rate.
- Send an email to the CBSN users list ( to advertise the slot for sale.
Updated 2/27/2025
Other Policies
Scanner Fees
Neuroimaging Facility FY25 MRI Scanner Rates
Peak Hours | AM Off-Peak | PM Off-Peak | |
Harvard Junior Faculty Subsidized* | $470 / hour | $300 / hour | $50/hour |
Harvard Senior Faculty Subsidized* | $540 / hour | $300 / hour | $50/hour |
Harvard Affiliate/Full Internal** | $600 / hour | $300 / hour | $50/hour |
Academic External | $645 / hour | $300 / hour | $50/hour |
Non-Academic Industry | Please inquire |
Peak Hours: Daily 10AM – 8PM
AM Off-Peak Hours: Daily 8AM – 10AM
PM Off-Peak Hours: Daily 8PM – 8AM
* FAS-subsidized internal rates for junior and senior faculty require a 33-digit Harvard expense code.
** A list of Harvard affiliated institutions can be found here.
These rates are effective 7/1/24 and are subject to change
IRB/Human Participants
IRB Approval
Before beginning any research, Principal Investigators must obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from the Harvard FAS Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research. It is the PI’s responsibility to obtain IRB approval and to keep his/her IRB approval current. Please note that if your IRB expires, you cannot scan until it is renewed.
IRB Application Resources
Below are the resources that you will need to complete the IRB application for your MRI project:
Harvard IRB Forms via the ESTR Library
Documents that you may need to submit with your IRB application:
Links to MRI Policies and Procedures:
- Emergency Procedures
- Safety Training
- Hazards of the MR Environment
- Subject Screening Policies
- Research Policies and Procedures
Please contact Caroline West ( for examples of approved IRB protocols and consent forms.
Training in Human Subjects Research
Harvard University requires that all investigators and study staff complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training program and maintain their CITI certification.
Center for Brain Science Neuroimaging Internal Funding Programs
Harvard Undergraduate Senior Thesis Awards
The Center for Brain Science also provides scan time at no charge for approved senior thesis projects using MRI. Every effort will be made to accommodate student thesis projects with the limited amount of scan time that is available.
To apply for a thesis award please submit the following information:
- A copy of the approved thesis proposal in pdf format
- Name of adviser and of any co-advisers
- Number of subjects required
- Estimate of the amount of time you will need in the scanner for each subject
- Estimated timeframe for the start/end of the MRI project
Please send applications for internal funding to Caroline West (
External Funding (NIH, NSF, etc)
When applying for external grant support for studies to be conducted at the CBS Neuroimaging Facility, please include the following:
Resource Description download word document updated 7/26/18
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