Category: Research Areas

Film about 2024 Brain Prize winners

Follow the link to the 10-minute film called “The Brain Prize 2024 Ceremony film,” which features Haim Sompolinsky with cameos by others in the Harvard community. It isn’t about the ceremony; it’s an impressionistic portrait of the prizewinners….

Proper acquisition of cell class identity in organoids allows definition of fate specification programs of the human cerebral cortex

Uzquiano A, Kedaigle AJ, Pigoni M, Paulsen B, Adiconis X, Kim K, Faits T, Nagaraja S, Antón-Bolaños N, Gerhardinger C, Tucewicz A, Murray E, Jin X, Buenrostro J, Chen F, Velasco S, Regev A, Levin JZ, Arlotta P.

Cell. 2022 Sep 29;185(20):3770-3788.e27. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.09.010. PMID: 36179669

Triggers for mother love

Margaret S. Livingstone

September 19, 2022
119 (39) e2212224119

RL at Harvard workshop

Thank you to everyone, especially Paul Masset, for helping to make the CBS NeuroTheory workshop a success! Click on the link below to see some photos Souvik Mandal took at the event….

Multi-animal Pose Estimation, Identification And Tracking With Deeplabcut

Jessy Lauer, Mu Zhou, Shaokai Ye, William Menegas, Steffen Schneider, Tanmay Nath, Mohammed Mostafizur Rahman, Valentina Di Santo, Daniel Soberanes, Guoping Feng, Venkatesh N Murthy, George Lauder, Catherine Dulac, Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis, Alexander Mathis

Nat Methods 19, 496–504 (2022)….