How can we record and perturb neural activity, circuit structure, and behavior?
8 results found.
News and Publications
- Conservation and divergence of cortical cell organization in human and mouse revealed by MERFISHFang R, Xia C, Close JL, Zhang M, He J, Huang Z, Halpern AR, Long B, Miller JA, Lein ES, Zhuang X.
Science. 2022 Jul;377(6601):56-62….
- Stretchable Mesh Nanoelectronics for 3D Single‐Cell Chronic Electrophysiology from Developing Brain OrganoidsP Le Floch, Q Li, Z Lin, S Zhao, R Liu, K Tasnim, H Jiang, J Liu
Advanced Materials 34 (11), 2106829….
- Tracking neural activity from the same cells during the entire adult life of mice
Siyuan Zhao, Xin Tang, Sebastian Partarrieu, Shiqi Guo, Ren Liu, Jaeyong Lee, Zuwan Lin, Jia Liu
bioRxiv doi: