Update on Connectomics in Fly and Human. Insights into vision from interpreting a neuronal wiring diagram. Biolabs 1080. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Liqun Luo
Title: Wiring Specificity of Neural Circuits. NW B103. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Byron Yu
Brain-computer interfaces for basic science. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Matteo Carandini
NW 243. Title: The odds of a decision. Coffee and cookies at 11:45….
CBS Seminar: Katherine Nagel
Neural Circuit Architectures for Olfactory Navigation. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Nate Sawtell
NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Richard Naud
A prospective code for value in the serotonin system. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Eiman Azim
NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Kanaka Rajan
NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Ryohei Yasuda
NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Edward Chang
NW B103. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Joni Wallis
Decoding decision-making dynamics. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Erin Schuman
Localised Transcriptomes and Proteomes in Neurons. NW B103. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Elizabeth Hong
Olfaction in Drosophila through the lens of natural odors. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Tatiana Engel
NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Baljit Khakh
NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Marc Freeman
Dynamic neuromodulatory roles for astrocytes in circuit activity and behavior. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Marie Dacke
The dynamic nature of the dung-beetle compass systems. NW 243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Hidenori Tanaka
Physics of Learning and Computation in Natural and Artificial Neural Networks. NW B103 and Panopto…
CBS Seminar: SueYeon Chung
Multi-scale theory of neural representations in biological and artificial neural networks. NW B103 and Panopto…
CBS Seminar: Leo Kozachkov
Building Performant and Brain-Like Recurrent Models from Neurons and Astrocytes. NW B103 and Panopto…
CBS Seminar: Leenoy Meshulam
Bridging scales in intelligent systems–from octopus skin to mouse brain. NW B103 and Panopto…
CBS Seminar: Aran Nayebi
Bridging Neural Dynamics to Goal-Directed Behavior Across Species and Timescales. NW B103 and Panopto…
CBS Seminar: Quan Wen (USTC China)
The scale-invariant covariance spectrum of brain-wide activity. NW 243…
CBS Seminar: Ilana Witten
Learning in a complex and high-dimensional environment. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Priya Rajasethupathy
Memory across time-scales. NW243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45…
CBS Seminar: Shaul Druckmann
Relating circuit dynamics to computation: robustness and dimension-specific computation in cortical dynamics. NW243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45….
CBS Seminar: Andres Bendesky
An evolutionarily novel adrenal cell type promotes parental care in monogamous mice. NW243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45….
CBS Seminar: Arif Hamid
Striatal dopamine-wave mechanisms for agentic reward learning. NW243. Coffee and cookies at 11:45….
CBS Seminar: Na Ji
Imaging the brain at high spatiotemporal resolution.
NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Maria Tosches
The evolution of cell types and neural circuits in the cerebral cortex. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Giorgio Gilestro
Divergent evolution of sleep homeostasis opens new perspectives on the function of sleep. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Christine Grienberger
A directed form of plasticity drives experience-dependent hippocampal representations. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Steven Flavell
Neural Mechanisms that Generate Persistent Behavioral States in C. elegans. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Alex Pollen
Cell Type Evolution in the Primate Brain. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Albert Lee
Mental navigation and telekinesis with a hippocampal map-based brain-machine interface. NW243 and Zoom…
CBS Seminar: Sanjay Manohar (Oxford)
Frontostriatal dopamine in motivation, decisions and action
CBS Seminar: Gilles Laurent (MPI Frankfurt)
On Sleep, Camouflage and Brain Evolution…
CBS Seminar: Alex Keene (Texas A&M)
Genetic and Evolutionary Dissection of Sleep-Feeding Interactions…
CBS Seminar: Greg Stephens (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Title: Bridging scales in C. elegans behavior: from posture to pirouette to path…
CBS Seminar: Carlos Ribeiro (Champalimaud)
Title: Dissecting the mechanisms by which internal states shape brain function, nutritional decisions, reproduction, and aging…
CBS Seminar: Bianca Jones Marlin (Columbia)
Title: Sensing Trauma: Intergenerational inheritance of olfactory sensory experience…
CBS Seminar: Carlos Ponce (HMS Neurobiology)
Title: Seeing the same in different ways: neuronal responses to diverse visual styles…
CBS Seminar: Martin Giurfa (Toulouse)
Title: TBD…
CBS Seminar: Bing Brunton (Washington)
Title: Agile movement and embodied intelligence: Computational and comparative considerations…
CBS Seminar: Yang Dan (Berkeley)
Title: The How and Why of Sleep…
CBS Seminar: Dragana Rogulja (HMS Neurobiology)
Title: Sleep and the Gut…
CBS Seminar: Ben Hayden (Minnesota)
Title: Prefrontal activity in freely moving primates…
CBS Seminar: Çağla Eroğlu (Duke)
Title: How do astrocytes sculpt synaptic circuits?…
CBS Seminar: Claudia Clopath (ICL)
Title: TBD…
CBS Seminar: Tomasz Nowakowski (UCSF)
Title: Establishing tools to study the emergence of cellular diversity in the human brain…
CBS Seminar: Mehrdad Jazayeri (MIT)
Timing via mental navigation in the entorhinal cortex
CBS Seminar: Deciphering where and how touch happens
Speaker: Miriam Goodman (Stanford)…
A neuropeptide system that senses and releases sleep pressure
Jason Rihel In John Keats’s poem, “To Sleep”, he exhorts Sleep to “turn the key deftly in the oiled wards”, allowing him a restful slumber. Although we have known that sleep pressure builds up the longer we stay awake, neither the sleep pressure signals (the “key”) nor where in the brain (the “oiled wards”)…