Title: Pulse-chase labeling reveals AMPA receptor dynamics during memory formation
Abstract: A tool to map changes in synaptic strength during a defined time window could provide powerful insights into the mechanisms governing learning and memory. We developed a technique, Extracellular Protein Surface Labeling in Neurons (EPSILON), to map α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) insertion in vivo by pulse-chase labeling of surface AMPARs with membrane-impermeable dyes. This approach allows for single-synapse resolution maps of plasticity in genetically targeted neurons during memory formation. We investigated the relationship between synapse-level and cell-level memory encodings by mapping synaptic plasticity and cFos expression in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells upon contextual fear conditioning (CFC). We observed a strong correlation between synaptic plasticity and cFos expression, suggesting a synaptic mechanism for the association of cFos expression with memory engrams. The EPSILON technique is a useful tool for mapping synaptic plasticity and may be extended to investigate trafficking of other transmembrane proteins.